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        /  \ | |  | | |__     ) | |     ___ | |__ | |__  _   _ 
       / /\ \| |  | |  __|   / /| |    / _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | |
      / ____ \ |__| | |____ / /_| |___| (_) | |_) | |_) | |_| |
     /_/    \_\____/|______|____|______\___/|_.__/|_.__/ \__, |
                                                          __/ |


The best support you can provide is to join the AOE2Lobby Discord server, report any bugs and submit improvement ideas. While donations are by no means necessary, they are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!

Ko-fi donations  Support AOE2Lobby on ko-fi
  AOE2LobbyBOT Invite
Command Parameters Function
/track OR /lobby lobby_id, tournamentid[optional] Tracks the lobby from creation until the end of the game, updating the status and game information including the final results. The tournamentid parameter is optional and not currently functional.

LR is an acronym for "Lobby Rating". It is essentially the same idea as the old "unranked" elo that used to be shown on aoe2.net but the calculation is likely different. I chose to call it Lobby Rating instead of unranked elo because I am not 100% certain about the calculation and I did not want to imply it was the same as the old unranked elo if it is not. I think it is actually closer to the current team game elo calculation.

Eventually the plan is to replace the current LR stat with my own elo system based on the old voobly calculation method. You can see the different calculation methods explained here: https://www.twestaoe.net/tools/elocalculator.

In my opinion the current LR stat is most accurate when used for evaluating mid-elo team game players, especially those that play many more lobby games than they do ranked. At low skill levels and the highest skill levels the LR stat becomes pretty useless with how it is calculated right now and how those players utilize the lobby system differently than the average player. Because of this I think the current LR stat is best used to help balance lobby team games in that mid-elo level or, if nothing else, to roughly evaluate a player's skill if they have no ranked history.

LR can also be used as a partial anti-smurf tool by new players to make sure that someone hosting a "noobs only" game is indeed somewhat a noob themselves. For example someone with a 1600+ LR hosting a "noob" lobby usually has an extraordinarily high win percentage as well.

If you are interested in trying to balance teams using LR, even if it is not perfect, the website can do the team split calculation for you automatically, just click the Balance button as show in the screenshot and a new table box will open with the splits and a clipboard link so you can copy and paste team splits directly into the lobby chat.

AOE2Lobby has been built with resilience in mind, however updates to the game can cause service interruptions. In most cases this requires a simple manual intervention. If lobbies or matches are either not updating or missing from the website, please try updating the game version number. If this fails to resolve the issue, please reach out on the AOE2Lobby Discord Server. Thank you!

After an update, relaunch the game, find the new version number on the main screen and enter it here.


The quickest way to reach me regarding anything AOE2Lobby related is via Discord @skittishdeer. I can also be reached via email at [email protected].